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Say Hello to the New Sayduck!

Ville Sormunen

A New Sayduck?

We are proud to release the new versions of the Sayduck Platform and Sayduck 3D Viewer. This marks a new chapter in the history of Sayduck, and we believe it to be a chapter that our current and future customers appreciate greatly. Over the past years, our hunger for creating a better platform and better service has grown massively, and we couldn't be happier to release them now!

So what does this new and updated Sayduck Platform and Sayduck 3D Viewer bring to the table? What is so new and updated about it? It comes with new interfaces as well as new functionalities and improvements for both the Platform and the 3D Viewer. Known to us as Sayduck 2.0., the new versions make using the service easy and quick and allow you to streamline your work like never before.

The new Sayduck Platform and Sayduck 3D Viewer withhold a better user experience, that will allow eCommerce businesses to better showcase their products to their customers online using 3D and Augmented Reality. 3D and AR are shown to drive sales and reduce returns and are becoming the industry standard for many eCommerce businesses.

Head to this site to start a free 14-day trial to try out the new Sayduck Platform and Saydcuk 3D Viewer and to take your first steps into the world of 3D and AR!

So what's new?

Sayduck Platform

The Sayduck Platform provides an enhanced user experience with improved speed, interface, and reliability. Streamline your work and boost your productivity

New Features:

  • New User Interface - Easy to use and navigate

  • Camera Positions - Navigate around your product to preset camera locations

  • Custom 3D Texts - Add 3D text field to your product

  • Analytics - Your 3D Viewer analytics have been added to the Platform

  • Smart Search - Search and use features from the search bar

Sayduck 3D Viewer

The new Sayduck 3D Viewer is faster, more responsive, and provides an improved visual experience, making it easier to showcase your products to customers.

New Features:

  • Real-time dimensions - Dimensions that adapt to all product sizes

  • Localization - Add new language options to your 3D Viewer

  • Quality Preset - You can now change the rendering quality

  • Variant Loading Strategies - Change variant loading to best suit your product

  • Dynamic scene API - Create configurators with dynamic scaling sizes

Want to try it out?

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo here and get started in the world of 3D & AR with the new Sayduck Platform & Sayduck 3D Viewer!


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